What is an SMS 2 Way or Two-Way Text Messaging Service?

SMS 2 Way or Two-Way text messaging is the process of sending and receiving an SMS or Text message through the Web from the registered mobile number with the help of an Application Programming Interface. Shortcodes or virtual long numbers are used for SMS 2 Way (Way to SMS) or two-way SMS communication (also known as virtual mobile numbers). Businesses typically use SMS to provide promotional material about their goods or services to their target market with the use of SMS2 Way or Two-Way text messaging, which may or may not be appreciated. In addition, with the use of SMS 2 Way or Two-Way text messaging users can communicate with people who have chosen to receive notifications, alerts, or reminders. SMS2 Way or Two-Way text messaging will work if the message’s goal is to convey information. However, companies should be allowed to receive messages as well if they want to communicate with their consumers through the SMS2 Way or Two Way SMS. A two-way text messaging platform o...