SMS Marketing Effectiveness in 2022

The unfortunate events of the global pandemic have had a major impact on many aspects of our lives. Due to accidents around the world, we have had to move most of our interpersonal interactions to the digital world, shop online, and thereby consciously or unconsciously increase our screen time.

It was an opportunity for companies to rethink the way they interact with consumers and apply best practices. SMS was one of them and is slowly gaining traction in the digital marketing game.

It turns out that as of August 2020, mobile devices accounted for 60% of all online retail visits in the US, accounting for 40% of all online sales. Additionally, mobile commerce sales are expected to reach $ 488 billion by the end of 2024, which is 44% of total e-commerce sales.

Read More: Everything you need to know about bulk SMS service With GetItSMS: tips and tricks

The rise of mobile commerce should make marketers rethink SMS to build closer relationships with consumers.

As a stand-alone marketing platform, SMS will continue to expand.

Forrester says consumers have seen an increase in marketing communications since the coronavirus epidemic began. According to the same report, the volume of SMS marketing will continue to grow by 40% over the next year, representing a huge step towards customer loyalty.

As businesses strive to build stronger relationships with their consumers, text-based marketing is likely to make up a significant portion of that number. Text messages are treated differently because it is such a direct and private channel that it is often used for face-to-face contact. It appears with confidence and with fewer spam opportunities.

In addition, SMS is used much less than other marketing platforms, making it easier for companies that use text marketing to stand out. In today's competitive world, the concept of direct connectivity is extremely attractive, not to mention the many uses of SMS, ranging from upgrades to offers that make messaging work perfectly on its own.

Increased customer engagement through automated text messages.

Customer expectations have also changed significantly in the past year. As more businesses are forced to move online from technology, competition increases, and consumer demands for speed, personalization, and accountability increase.

When companies want to inform consumers as quickly and efficiently as possible, messaging help. SMS notifications can (and should) be automated to retain customers, keep them updated, and even prevent the loss of a sale. Doing this manually is time and labor-intensive, and you can't afford to be left to do it alone in 2022.

Is the year 2022 going to be the year of SMS marketing?

The existence of SMS as a marketing tool and the growing demand for new, more direct, and personal connections link all of these SMS marketing trends. It is important to remain visible and to make yourself heard in the face of increasing competition from e-commerce.

For this reason, SMS is well suited so that companies looking to incorporate SMS marketing into their strategies for 2022 will see positive results. There has never been a better time than now to reconsider the benefits of texting.

If you are looking for reliable and high-quality SMS marketing services and other services like WhatsApp solutions, email marketing, OTP, etc. you have come to the right place. GetItSMS offers the best of the best. Get started with GetItSMS Bulk SMS Service today to increase chat rates, build loyalty and build long-term customer relationships!

Also Read: What Makes The Transactional Sms Messaging So Popular?


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